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Great stories have a personality. Consider telling a great story that provides personality. Writing a story with personality for potential clients will assist with making a relationship connection. This shows up in small quirks like word choices or phrases. Write from your point of view, not from someone else's experience.

Great stories are for everyone even when only written for just one person. If you try to write with a wide, general audience in mind, your story will sound fake and lack emotion. No one will be interested. Write for one person. If it’s genuine for the one, it’s genuine for the rest.

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Products Purchase Order - 產(chǎn)品采購訂單


產(chǎn)品采購訂單 商務(wù)協(xié)議 模板下載(供應(yīng)商)
產(chǎn)品采購訂單 技術(shù)協(xié)議 模板下載(供應(yīng)商)

Service Purchase Order - 服務(wù)采購訂單


服務(wù)采購訂單 商務(wù)協(xié)議 模板下載(供應(yīng)商)
服務(wù)采購訂單 技術(shù)協(xié)議 模板下載(供應(yīng)商)

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